Speech and Debate Society

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Our mission is allow students at the University of Arkansas to grow their skills in communication through competition and practice in competitive speech and debate.

What We Do

At this time, the UARK Speech and Debate Society primarily competes in the International Public Debate Association (IPDA), as well as in Indvidual speaking Events (IEs) as offered. These formats are easy to transition to from most other formats of debate and forensics, but we do also hope to expand our offerings as we grow.

Our Team

Molly Lay Profile

Molly Lay

Benjamin Shoptaw Profile

Benjamin Shoptaw

Aubree Watkins Profile

Aubree Watkins

Forensics Captain
Savannah Barrentine Profile

Savannah Barrentine

Jacilyn Sabatini Profile

Jacilyn Sabatini

Social Media Chair
Hannah Morris Profile

Hannah Morris
