Offices and Departments
Website Mission
Contact: Email group officers
Mission Weaving lifelong career confidence & readiness into the full college experience and beyond. Our guiding pillars:EXPLORATION OF SELVES & WORLD OF WORK: Invite students to be curious about themselves, the world of work and how they might design their lives through career education and networking.PRACTICE ENGAGING & EXPOSURE TO OPTIONS: Provide opportunities for students to practice engaging with professionals, and to learn about career options.TEACH CAREER & SELF-DEVELOPMENT: Teach students to identify, build and articulate their UA career-ready skills, ability to navigate the world of work and advocate for themselves. (Adapted from NACE, 2021)COLLABORATION WITH SKILL DEVELOPERS: Work with skill developers (i.e., faculty, employers, organization leaders, etc) to connect students to opportunities to build & articulate skills.
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership