Registered Student Organizations
Website Mission
Contact: Ashley Ezeldin, Amanda Wallace
Group Not Registered Yet
Mission 1. It shall be the purpose of Empower Mentorship RSO to provide social,academic, and career support to the students enrolled in the EMPOWERprogram at the University of Arkansas. 2. It shall be the mission of EmpowerMentorship RSO to provide individualized social and academic support toenrolled Empower support at high levels. 3. It shall be the purpose of theEmpower RSO to connect mentors with mentees through social eventscreating a community for everyone involved in the Empower RSO to uplifteach other.4. It shall be the purpose of the Empower RSO to provide supportfor members to promote better mentorship from fellow student peers.5. Itshall be the purpose of the Empower RSO to encourage campus involvementand support for the EMPOWER Program through elected executives,chairmen, and members.6. It shall be the belief of Empower RSO that allUniversity rules and codes of conduct be followed to the utmost standard andpractice ethical collaboration with our Empower students with no exceptions.7. It is also the mission of Empower Mentorship RSO to build a healthyfriendship/mentor and peer relationship with our Empower students.
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership