Banner for Millas con MXSA x CASA

Millas con MXSA x CASA

by Central American Student Alliance

Social OCC: Teamwork

Sat, Sep 14, 2024

10 AM – 12 PM CDT (GMT-5)

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This event aims to provide a community-based and guided outdoor activity for any member of our campus. Registration is required!

We will meet at the Fayetteville Public Library parking garage at 9:30, then carpool to Mount Kessler together. Need a ride or are you willing to bring a group of students to Mount Kessler? Fill out the carpool form in MXSA or CASA's bio.

Hosted By

Central American Student Alliance | Website | View More Events

Malinalxochitl Ilhuicamina
Co-hosted with: Mexican-American Student Association

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